All information filled in in the ‘request advice’ format needs to be regarded as pseudonymous data. We explicitly request you not to provide us with patient identifiers. We recommend you to inform your patient (see attached a patient information letter) and ask for approval when needed, based on the rules, regulations, good practices and internal policies applicable in your country and your organization.
The Advisory Board on Cancer Infertility and Pregnancy can never be held responsible for any adverse outcomes or (unforeseen) side effects. The Advisory Board on Cancer Infertility and Pregnancy cannot be held responsible for recommendations sent by us after filling in the ‘request advice’ format of the website if the ‘request advice’ format was not filled in correctly.
Recommendations of the Advisory Board on Cancer Infertility and Pregnancy are formulated to support the treating physician to make treatment plans together with their patients. The recommendation should never replace local protocols, counseling and shared decision making. All recommendations need to be placed in context with other findings and results that may come up after receiving the recommendations. We recommend that you do not draw conclusions from the recommendations alone and discuss treatment plans in your own multidisciplinary tumor board.
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